Catch that alliteration.
If you know me, you know I love to support local businesses. I am involved with Keep Local Alive - Omaha which pushes everyone to rethink how they shop.
Did you know that when you shop local, you're not only supporting a usually small, family-owned business, but their tax dollars cycle back into your city's roads, schools, and infrastructure? Every time we shop from large online corporations, dollars are actually sucked right out of our local economy.
Personally, I also just find more value in local pieces. They have more of a meaningful weight, in my humble opinion.
I'm far from perfect in this regard and don't expect anyone else to be, either! But, if we can move just $20 a month to a local business over a big box store, we can infuse enough money to keep our local economies alive.
We get a lot of questions about where to shop local for the holidays. To make it easy, I went ahead and created a Pinterest board of local goods and apparel I would purchase (or have purchased!) for gifts.
Hopefully, this helps to encourage you to find some meaningful options for your hard-to-shop-for loved ones while giving some holiday cheer to our local shop owners in the meantime.
I'll continue to update it throughout the season.
Pictured items:
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